LED lighting for different outdoor sports

LED lighting for different outdoor sports

Several professional teams of the best sports in the world have replaced obsolete metal halide lamps with LEDs in their stadiums and stadiums. The new lighting has benefited the players, their fans and the operation of the facilities, as well as their staff. Players love to play under bright, powerful lights, fans love bright light shows, and operations staff enjoy unprecedented lighting control and low maintenance.

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Each sporting activity has the main play area where a high-quality light, directed by a stadium light, is essential for the players to focus on their game and their safety. High-quality light with minimal glare is also important for the audience and for an excellent TV show. In general, each sport has its own lighting requirements and the higher the level of competition required, the higher the level of lux required. TV rooms also need high-quality light with high lux levels. The recording and transmission of sporting events have given a lot of visibility to many sports.

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The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) offers a guide to the lighting levels of sports and recreation areas. The guide also covers other important considerations for sports lighting. We will discuss some of them in this post.
Click here for more sports LED lights.


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